Knowle West Media Centre case study

A team from PG Collective were invited to work alongside KWMC on a key piece of organisational change work, as the Founder prepared to retire and the organisation considered its options going forward. The scope of work included developing a change strategy, co-designing and putting in place a shared leadership structure and reviewing the organisation’s business model and organisational structure. As a result of our work, we were able to realise a number of impacts:

  • Co-developed a strategy using transparent, inclusive methodologies for gaining input
    from across the organisation, gaining teams’ confidence during a challenging and
    uncertain period of transition;
  • Considered a range of leadership models and supported the team to explore these and
    together adopt a recommendation for a shared leadership model
  • Compiled a report outlining key findings and recommendations for the organisation to
    consider in terms of future direction of travel around its business model and governance.
  • Facilitated team and Board meetings using consent-based decision making to ensure
    everyone had equal opportunity to listen, speak, make proposals and consent to the
    recommended changes, paving the way for a smooth transition and clarity of leadership.

“I wanted to add my thanks to you all for the work you have done to support the Trustees and
team. I feel confident that KWMC is going to flourish with a confident, reinvigorated team. And, I
am really pleased that the Trustees embraced the consent based decision making – thank you
for using this so effectively. I was impressed that you hit the ground running, delivered with care,
listened attentively and that we have arrived at a way forward.”