Are we shouting from our houses across the street?

Some reflections from our PG Collective launch event on Friday 9th June 2023

Last Friday the Conduit in Covent Garden played host to our re-launch and new direction as PG Collective, and a lively debate on the question “Can you rebuild the house whilst living in it?” in reference to the enormous, urgent, global challenges which we know require radical changes to many of our current systems.

To say this was a big day for us is an understatement. Having a small marker event was an idea that had bubbled away since last summer when Practical Governance grew to six Partners, and discussions began around potentially changing our name to align with the direction of our business.

Fast forward 12 months and we had successfully expanded our suite of services, launched our new name, onboarded new collaborators and associates, and became a Co-operative! So we figured it was about time to celebrate with those who had helped us along our journey, and those we hope to be a part of our next phase.

We were keen to create a forum to build connections with those aligned to our values; the pioneers who are urgently rebuilding systems to protect the natural world, enhance human connection and ensure marginalised communities have voice, agency and power.

Steered expertly by compere Liam Black, our panel of clients and collaborators (Annette Dhami, Ben Metz, David Hunter, Jay Perkins, Danielle Bridge) shared first hand stories of how they are working both inside, and outside, the system as both rowdy activists and quiet radicals, to redefine the rules.

A few immediate questions and themes that arose arose on the day – but do get in touch with us for more:

  • Are we still shouting from our houses across the street?
  • People are often speaking from between different ‘homes’ – those seeking social justice and those seeking environmental justice.
  • We noticed a powerful distinction between the urgent call for collective action and desire to use tools of the current system (for example the legal system) to support action to avert environmental disaster, and the sense of weariness of those historically scarred by deep seated social injustices, who have repeatedly not been heard with a call for action of those directly responsible for causing this harm.
  • A recognition that not all of us have the knowledge and deep understanding to do this difficult work together and that education and experiential understanding is required for us to move forward. A clear sense, however, that our different struggles, perspectives and experiences are needed to build the ‘boring revolution’.
  • A feeling of camaraderie and inherent trust across racialized (black and brown people) and those who have been deep in the work together over time – the need for building trust through a cycle of building, breaking and building relationships, so we are able to conflict well together.

Our desire to bring an eclectic group together to network was met in the event with people swapping numbers, leaving their details asking to be connected. The deeper connections were made post event, in the corridor, bar, and streets.

We were left with a real desire to build on these connections and work out what next together.

If you’re interested in continuing some of these conversations, or joining future events, please let us know!

We’ve created a quick online form to capture interest.